Comment on the article: Chile to expel 2,000 illegal migrants in 2018
Today I am going to make a sociological comment on the following article: Chile to expel 2,000 illegal migrants in 2018.
The article talks about the government's measures against immigration in Chile. The immigrants that arrive to the country are of specifically of Haiti, Venezuela and Colombia. However, the problem is that the government differentiates between the nationalities of immigrants.
From a sociological perspective, racism is at the root of this problem. This is because the Haitians are being imposed more severe measures with respect to other immigrants. The black skin color could be affecting the government's decision.
While it might be reasonable for immigrants who have crimes to be deported, it is not valid that there are differences between the sanctions according to nationality. It is necessary to rethink the problem and support immigrants in their new life in Chile. In my opinion, it is necessary to extend the deadline for Haitian immigrants. Sociology would say that it is important to open up to differences, because that way the Chilean culture can be pluralized.
It is fundamental to eradicate racism in chilean society, because it leads to violent practices against haitian people. They are the same as chileans and can bring valuable thing to society.